Railroad Historical Museum INC of Springfield Missouri


Tue, 10 Jun 2008

The museum is seeking volunteers for the museum. You need not have a knowledge of railroading but must have a desire to learn about the museum,help with tours and other needs of the museum. Please come by the museum on Saturday between 2:00 and 4:00 and talk to a member of the museum.
Posted 10:28


My Dad
My Dad was on the first committee to start this museum. They arranged to have the engine moved to it's present day location and had the canopy built over it....I have many Frisco artifacts, and love that they have preserved this piece of history...

2010 Museum News
Museum is off to a great start in 2010. We are open Saturdays from 2:00 to 4:00 P.M. and will have an open house on Saturday June 12th. We will be open from 10:00 A.M. until 5:00 PM for our open house. Extra exhibits are also scheduled including a steam engine for two for gauge.
Posted by Joe G Felin

2010 Museum News
Museum is off to a great start in 2010. We are open Saturdays from 2:00 to 4:00 P.M. and will have an open house on Saturday June 12th. We will be open from 10:00 A.M. until 5:00 PM for our open house. Extra exhibits are also scheduled including a steam engine for two foot gauge.
Posted by Joe G Felin

Museum Videos
The recent videos are excellent! Should you have difficulity viewing them, please advise our webmaster.
Posted by Joe Felin

2018 season is going great. Many artifacts continue to be donated. New depot is well received. Birthday parties available
Posted by Joe Felin

I actually stumbled onto your website. Looks like a fine museum. I was there in 1993 when the old Frisco Museum on Commercial Street opened, and I never did learn why it closed. Our West Florida Railroad Museum (www.wfrm.org) has a lot of Frisco material as well as caboose #1102.
Posted by Tom Moody

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